Security and Attention are a Priority

Gimwork Community Charter

At Gimwork, safety and respect for our community are fundamental values. Our community charter outlines the fundamental principles for creating a safe and trustworthy environment. All users, whether freelancers, service seekers, or those seeking assistance, must adhere to this charter.

We are committed to maintaining a high level of security on Gimwork and fostering mutual respect among members of our community. By working together to uphold these principles, we create an environment where everyone can thrive and achieve their goals.

The Gimwork Community Charter is our commitment to you, for an exceptional and safe experience for all.

Titre de la section

Ea quo reuisitus et vestimenta quas conubia non temerario mus nisi e quis rem deliciae fortem peccantibus. Fuga dui per ad eum immediate ut intestabunt ura harum et orci nec circumspecte leo intentionaliter in pede amet domine eorum testimonium ad Maiores.

Titre de la section

Ea quo reuisitus et vestimenta quas conubia non temerario mus nisi e quis rem deliciae fortem peccantibus. Fuga dui per ad eum immediate ut intestabunt ura harum et orci nec circumspecte leo intentionaliter in pede amet domine eorum testimonium ad Maiores.

Titre de la section

Ea quo reuisitus et vestimenta quas conubia non temerario mus nisi e quis rem deliciae fortem peccantibus. Fuga dui per ad eum immediate ut intestabunt ura harum et orci nec circumspecte leo intentionaliter in pede amet domine eorum testimonium ad Maiores.

Additional Security Measures, Specific to Gimwork

In addition to our Community Charter, please review our specific standards for Gimwork to ensure your safety when exchanging services.

Together, Let’s Build a Caring and Supportive Working Environment.

At Gimwork, your involvement is essential to create a safe and supportive workplace. By making responsible choices, adhering to safety standards, and reporting any issues, you actively contribute to the prosperity of the community.

Let’s create an environment where everyone can work with confidence!

The Importance of Your Feedback

We strongly encourage you to provide us with your feedback, whether positive or negative. We are constantly striving to improve our application and service. Your feedback enables us to take appropriate actions and work with our teams to provide you with the best possible experience.

How Can I Request Help?

To report an issue, please access your online “dashboard” by logging in, or contact us directly via the application. In case of emergency, please alert local authorities before contacting Gimwork.


After each session, “GIM” and “GIMMER” users can evaluate each other and leave feedback. This system is designed to promote individual accountability for one’s own behavior. This accountability helps create a respectful and safe environment for candidates and employees.

Users whose behavior does not meet the expectations defined in our Community Charter may have their Gimwork account access revoked. This decision will be based on the user’s overall evaluation and incident reports. If you lose access to your account, we can provide advice on how to improve your situation.

How Does the Charter Apply to You?

At Gimwork, we review all reports received by our support team regarding potential violations of the Community Charter, and we engage a specialized team to conduct a thorough investigation, if necessary. During this investigation, the concerned account may be suspended. Users risk losing access to their Gimwork account if they violate the Community Charter.
This page summarizes the content of the Gimwork Community Charter. To view our community charter in detail, click here. Gimwork users are also bound by the terms of use available here.

Failure to comply with the Community Charter may result in the suspension or deletion of the Gimwork account. Certain actions taken outside the application may also constitute violations if they pose a threat to our community, members, and providers, or if they harm the reputation and activities of Gimwork.